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Take Control of your Plan's Healthcare Spending


Much More Than an Audit

This isn't an audit, it's a plan fiduciary function. 
Rather than produce a book report on 150 claims, we forensically re-adjudicate every claim you have paid, or will pay, to protect your plan and members.


Get Back 5-25% of What You Will Spend or Have Spent

We uncover "found money" for plans that they had already written off. What will your health plan do with a multi-million dollar windfall? 

CAA & ERISA Compliance

With plan fiduciaries' ever-increasing obligations under ERISA and the CAA, CI provides our clients safe harbor by ensuring plan and members are only paying what is required.


No Additional Work For Plans or Members

The CI program is simple to implement: introduce our team to your TPA or carrier, and we'll take it from there. No member involvement, ever.

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 ClaimInformatics reviews each claim before it’s paid, to ensure billing and pricing accuracy. This process proactively decreases your plan’s healthcare spend by 10%-25%.


Even if your plan has improperly paid claims, it’s not too late to identify overpayments and recover plan assets. Using the ClaimIntelligence™ platform to assist with recapturing assets, we respectfully and diligently collect, reconcile and deposit recouped funds. This process recovers 5%-15% of paid plan assets. 

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