We’re excited to announce that Stephen Carrabba, our President and co-founder, was featured in the most recent edition of The Self Insurer Magazine in an article entitled, The Rebirth of Health Care Consumerism, eloquently written by Bruce Shutan. Among other obstacles in health care, the article comprehensively describes how physician practices, health systems, surgery centers and others are encouraged to over-bill, by high-priced consultants who promise that implementing evasive billing practices can increase their revenue by upwards of 20% to 30%.
Stephen is quoted responding, “How are they doing that legally? It’s not just billing and coding. It’s unbundling. It’s claim splitting. It’s fraud. It’s upcoding. It’s a laundry list of stuff that we see all day, every day.”
Read more and find the full issue here: https://issuu.com/sipconlinepub/docs/selfinsurermay2022web